Dentist - Palm Bay, FL

When it comes to creating flawless, healthy smiles, our dentists and team have you covered. We offer comprehensive dental care near Melbourne – from basic checkups to state-of-the-art dental implants and tooth-saving emergency dentistry – to keep you smiling. Whether you’re looking for basic checkups or more advanced dental care, we have you covered. It all begins with personalized treatment plans to meet your unique oral health and hygiene needs, budget, and lifestyle. Dr. Nowacki helps you achieve and keep your healthiest smiles for a lifetime.
No matter how hard you work, you might not be able to avoid every cavity or all dental damage, but that doesn't mean you have to live with a less-than-perfect smile. We offer a wide range of restorative dentistry services in your area that replace lost tooth structure, replace dark metal fillings with white aesthetic restorations, relieve pain, and renew the full, flawless appearance of damaged smiles. We renew your oral health and restore smile confidence with natural-looking, feeling, and functioning restoration solutions.
Slipping dentures, metal bars, and the fear of eating in front of others at a dinner party. These are all concerns expressed by patients with traditional removable dental prosthetics. Other tooth replacement solutions rely on surrounding teeth for support, potentially damaging these healthy dental structures. Dental implant supported tooth replacement offers a more natural-looking solution, doesn’t create unnecessary damage to remaining healthy teeth, and improves tooth function. You can even bite into an apple without fear!
A straight smile used to be all about looking great, but did you know straighter smiles are also healthier? It’s true. Unevenly spaced, shaped, or aligned smiles are at higher risk for decay, gum disease, and other oral health concerns. It’s important to straighten your smile, but you don’t have to do it using traditional metal brackets and wires. Our team offers both traditional orthodontics and ClearCorrect alignment trays to deliver perfectly aligned smiles.
Our team is happy to file dental insurance claims for most providers, maximizing your coverage and helping you understand the cost every step of the way. If you would like to spread your payments out, we also offer CareCredit financing!
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Ready to experience the phenomenal dental care you deserve? Then head on over to our office at 2156 Julian Ave NE in Palm Bay, FL. You’ll find us near Meshi Ya takeout, Puzzle Box Academy, and Palm Bay Power Equipment. Although your GPS should guide you straight to us, don’t hesitate to get in touch if you need any assistance locating us. We look forward to seeing you soon!